MFW 2019

Off to Montreal for Montreal Fetish Weekend, but it was more like a whole week of fun events. I got to kig with some old and new friends.

I wore my new Sakura themed pink dress and we walked the fashion show catwalk. I was a little nervous and so ended up forgetting all my practiced walk and did a really quick cat”run” instead.

We took a walk around Montreal, taking the Metro station into the centre. I think we suprised the locals and tourists with a few hundred people in the most amazing latex and fetish outfits. I really enjoyed the walk, it was a nice day with a gentle breeze and everyone wanted to stop us for photographs. I wore my blue kawaii latex dress for the walk.

For the main event I took the Sakura dress with LED skirt overlay to the dance party. We arrived early and quickly headed to the dancefloor where we danced the night away. When we went outside to cool off we met some latex models including Biana.

I really enjoyed my time in Montreal, the people were so friendly, and I’d love to go back some day.

Photos: Jade Tatsuko, laloux, Akari, Blanche. Dress original design by Black Sheep Latex